The Importance of Wearing a Helmet While Riding a Bicycle

Whether you are an avid cyclist or someone who just enjoys a leisurely ride from time to time, it is important to practice safe cycling habits. One of the most important safety precautions you can take is to always wear a helmet while riding your bicycle. 

In the District of Columbia, it is required by law that anyone under the age of 16 wears a helmet while riding. Though many adults may feel that helmets are not necessary for them, they should be aware of the potential impact that even a small crash can have on their health.

The Importance of Wearing a Helmet While Riding a Bicycle

Most Common Head Injuries Sustained from Bicycling Accidents

There are a lot of injuries that can come from bicycle accidents, including the following:


A concussion is a common injury that results from a bicycle accident. It is caused when the biker’s head hits something hard, such as pavement or another object while they are moving at high speeds. 

Concussions can vary in severity from mild to severe and may cause loss of consciousness or other physical symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, confusion, and headaches. In addition to physical symptoms, concussions can also cause memory problems and difficulty concentrating for weeks or even months after the injury has occurred. 

Skull Fractures

Another type of head injury that cyclists may suffer from are skull fractures. A skull fracture occurs when a heavy impact causes one or more cracks in the skull bone itself. These fractures often result in open wounds on the scalp which puts cyclists at risk for infection if not treated properly. Skull fractures can also cause bleeding within the brain resulting in intense pressure on delicate areas which could lead to permanent neurological damage if left untreated.

Brain Contusion

A brain contusion is another type of traumatic brain injury that commonly occurs during bicycle accidents involving vehicles or other objects such as trees or fences. A contusion occurs when an external force causes bruising on the surface of the brain tissue resulting in symptoms including confusion, headaches, and impaired balance, among others depending on where exactly on the brain was affected. 

Why Wear a Helmet?

There are many benefits to wearing a bicycle helmet while riding, including:

Protection from Head Injury: The most obvious benefit of wearing a bicycle helmet is that it can help protect your head in the event of an accident or crash. Bicycle-related head injuries are some of the most common types of personal injury cases handled by attorneys across the country, and helmets have been proven to reduce these types of injuries significantly. 

Studies have shown that wearing a properly fitted helmet can reduce the risk of serious head injury by up to 85%. This means that if you ever do find yourself involved in an accident while cycling, you’re much less likely to suffer serious injury if you’re wearing your helmet than if you weren’t wearing one. 

Improved Visibility on the Road: Wearing a brightly colored or reflective helmet can make it easier for drivers to see you on the road and avoid any potential collisions with other vehicles. By making sure that drivers can easily see you, you greatly reduce your chances of being hit by a vehicle and suffering serious injury.

How To Ensure You Are Getting The Most Out Of Your Helmet

The best way to ensure your helmet is providing maximum protection when out on the road is by following these simple steps:

  1. Make sure your helmet fits properly – It should sit level on your head without being too loose or too tight.
  2. Replace your helmet every 5 years – Over time, helmets start to break down and lose their protective qualities.
  3. Store your helmet correctly – Make sure you keep it away from extreme temperatures which can cause irreversible damage.

Wearing a helmet every time you ride your bicycle is essential for protecting yourself against potentially catastrophic head injuries caused by falls or collisions while cycling. If you’ve been injured in an accident involving a bicycle due to someone else’s negligence, contact our Washington, D.C. bicycle accident lawyers today to schedule a free consultation.