What Not To Do When On Workers Compensation

What Not To Do When On Workers' Compensation

While worker’s compensation can be a lifeline when you are injured on the job, it’s important to know that there are certain things you should absolutely avoid doing while receiving benefits.

Making an error in judgment can lead to loss of benefits, or even legal trouble. Here are some things you should NOT do while on workers’ comp:

DO NOT Engage in Activities That Contradict Injury Claims

Refrain from activities that go against what you’ve claimed your injury prevents you from doing. For example, if you’ve injured your back and are collecting workers’ comp benefits, you want to avoid lifting heavy items or playing sports.

If you engage in strenuous activity, it undermines the authenticity of your claim. Insurance investigators routinely seek out instances of such contradictory activity as a way to stop payments and save their company money.

DO NOT Fail to Follow Up on Medical Appointments

It’s absolutely crucial that you keep all scheduled medical appointments and follow your treatment plan consistently. Failing to do so can make it appear as though your injury or illness isn’t serious, reducing the credibility of your claim in the eyes of insurance companies and adjusters.

Staying current with all recommended follow-ups gives legitimacy to your claim that you are indeed suffering from a work-related injury needing adequate care and recovery time.

DO NOT Post on Social Media About Your Injury

The content on your social media can be used against you during workers’ comp cases. If you have spoken about your injury in a public forum like Facebook and this contradicts what is being stated to insurance companies, it could adversely affect the outcome of your claim.

It may seem harmless to discuss broad aspects of life online with friends and followers; however, it’s best practice to keep any details strictly to yourself, sharing only with medical professionals and your lawyer.

DO NOT Go Back To Work Too Soon

Deciding to return to work before you’ve fully recovered could potentially harm your health further – exacerbating injuries and prolonging recovery times. It can prevent you from truly obtaining the benefits you’re entitled to and need to fully recover.

It’s crucial to consult with your treating physician, diligently adhering to their recommendations on when it’s safe for you to resume job duties. Being patient now can save a lot of hardship later both medically and financially.

DO NOT Ignore Your Mental Health

Taking care of your mental health is just as crucial as handling your physical health during this period. Workplace injuries do not only involve physical harm but can also lead to significant emotional trauma or distress.

As with any health concern, any anxiety, depression, or other types of mental health concerns should be addressed. Seek counseling services if needed to make sure you’re emotionally ready to go back to work once you’re physically healed.

DO NOT Forget to Consult With a Workers’ Comp Lawyer

When you are going through a challenging time like this, never underestimate the value of seeking professional legal advice. It’s essential to consult with a workers’ comp lawyer to understand your rights and obligations.

Misunderstanding the claims process or making errors in paperwork can delay your claim or prevent you from obtaining benefits altogether. This can be easily avoided when guided by an attorney specializing in worker’s compensation law.

If you have questions or need help with a claim, don’t hesitate to contact a Washington D.C. workers’ compensation lawyer today to schedule a free consultation.